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Configure the OPNsense Virtual Machine

  1. Now click the play icon to run the virtual machine (VM). (You can also select the Virtual Machine menu and click Start.) 04-opn-sense-config-001.png
  2. When you see the login prompt after the VM starts, use the credentials for installation:

    • Username: installer
    • Password: opnsense 04-opn-sense-config-002.png
  3. On the Keymap Selection pane, leave the default option Continue with default keymap and press Enter to choose the Select option. 04-opn-sense-config-003.png
  4. Leave the Install (UFS) option and press Enter to select OK. 04-opn-sense-config-004.png
  5. I received a warning that I had not assigned enough RAM to the VM, but I selected Proceed anyway. 04-opn-sense-config-005.png
  6. Use the down-arrow key to select da0, the VMware default virtual hard disk with a size of 20GB (OPNsense’s minimum recommended size is 8GB), then selected OK. 04-opn-sense-config-006.png
  7. There is a drive-erasure warning. Use the left arrow key to select Yes and press Enter. 04-opn-sense-config-007.png
  8. Various panes will display progress for the installation. 04-opn-sense-config-008.png
  9. On the Final Configuration pane, press enter for Root Password Change root password. 04-opn-sense-config-009.png
  10. Enter a new password for the root account and select OK. 04-opn-sense-config-010.png
  11. Re-enter the new root password and select OK. 04-opn-sense-config-011.png
  12. Back on the Final Configuration pane, select Complete Install Exit and reboot and press Enter to select OK. 04-opn-sense-config-012.png
  13. The system will reboot. You will see a lot of output as it comes back up. 04-opn-sense-config-013.png
  14. Now you need to change the VM’s settings to remove that installation media and make sure that it is booting from the virtual hard disk. In the VMware Fusion menu, click the Virtual Machine menu and select Shut Down. 04-opn-sense-config-014.png
  15. Click the wrench icon at the top of the VM’s window to enter the settings. 04-opn-sense-config-015.png
  16. Click CD/DVD (IDE). 04-opn-sense-config-016.png
  17. Twirl down Advanced options. 04-opn-sense-config-017.png
  18. Click Remove CD/DVD Drive. 04-opn-sense-config-018.png
  19. Click Remove to confirm that you want to remove the drive. 04-opn-sense-config-019.png
  20. You are returned to the main Settings window. Click Startup Disk. 04-opn-sense-config-020.png
  21. Click Hard Disk (SCSI) and select Restart window to reboot the VM. 04-opn-sense-config-021.png
  22. When the login: prompt displays, enter root and press Enter. 04-opn-sense-config-022.png
  23. Enter your new password for the root account and press Enter. 04-opn-sense-config-023.png
  24. From the menu, select 1) Assign interfaces. 04-opn-sense-config-024.png
  25. The next option is Do you want to configure LAGGs now. Select n unless you want to configure link aggregation.
  26. Enter n for Do you want to configure VLANs now?.
  27. You are prompted to Enter the WAN interface name. You can choose from three interfaces: em0, em1, and em2, each of which display their MAC address. To confirm the MAC address, open the VM’s Settings and click Network Adapter. 04-opn-sense-config-025.png
  28. Twirl down Advanced options in the Network Adapter window. 04-opn-sense-config-026.png
  29. The Network Adapter, which is the network adapter that intended for WAN traffic to the public internet, matches the MAC address for em0. 04-opn-sense-config-027.png
  30. Go back to the prompt, type em0 and press Enter. 04-opn-sense-config-028.png
  31. Next you are prompted to Enter the LAN interface name. Use the same steps to check the MAC addresses in the VM’s settings. In this example, the VM’s Network Adapter 2, which has the same MAC as em1, is the interface intended for the LAN, so type em1 and press Enter. 04-opn-sense-config-029.png
  32. The prompt asks for the name for Optional interface 1. This would be em2, the interface intended for the HOME_NET_LAN. However, you can set this up through the web management interface, so press Enter for nothing.
  33. Type y and press Enter when prompted Do you want to proceed? 04-opn-sense-config-030.png
    • Note: When I perform this step, the output from the VM sometimes halts at Starting router advertisement service...done. If this happens, press Control + C to get it to proceed.
  34. The OPNsense prompt reloads, displaying the LAN (em1) and WAN (em0) IP addresses. Press 2) to Set interface IP address and then press Enter. 04-opn-sense-config-031.png

  35. To assign the IP address for the LAN interface, enter 1 for 1 - LAN for em1. (The WAN IP has already been set by my home network’s router.)
  36. Enter n for Configure IPv4 address LAN interface via DHCP?. (In this scenario you will assign a static IP address).
  37. Enter the new LAN IPv4 address. This example uses
  38. Enter 24 as the LAN IPv4 subnet.
  39. Since this is for the LAN, press Enter for no upstream gateway address.
  40. Enter n for IPv6 address... via WAN tracking.
  41. Enter n for IPv6 address... via DHCP6.
  42. Press Enter for no LAN IPv6 address.
  43. Enter y to enable the DHCP server on LAN. 04-opn-sense-config-032.png
  44. For the start address for IPv4 client address range, enter
  45. Enter for the end address for IPv4 client address range.
  46. Enter n for Do you want to revert to HTTP as the web GUI protocol?
  47. Enter n since there is no need to generate a new self-signed web GUI certificate.
  48. Since there is no need to Restore web GUI access defaults, enter n. 04-opn-sense-config-033.png
  49. The output shows the banner. It says you can access the web GUI at, the address I statically assigned to the OPNsense VM on the LAN. It also shows a LAN IP address of and a WAN IP of 04-opn-sense-config-034.png
  50. At this point, I need another VM to connect to the OPNsense router’s Web GUI. Since I already have a Kali VM that I will be using as part of this series of tutorials, I drag that into my localLab folder. 04-opn-sense-config-035.png
  51. Open the Kali VM’s Settings and select Network Adapter. 04-opn-sense-config-036.png
  52. Click EXTERNAL_NET_LAN and close the window. 04-opn-sense-config-037.png
  53. Start the Kali VM. 04-opn-sense-config-038.png
  54. Once you have logged in to the Kali VM, launch the Terminal. 04-opn-sense-config-039.png
  55. Here are some commands to check basic networking and connectivity:

    • The output of ip a for the network interface eth0 displays an IP address on the EXTERNAL_NET_LAN network,, which is within the IP address range set for OPNsense’s DHCP service.

        2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
            link/ether 00:0c:29:d2:d3:2b brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
            inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute eth0
            valid_lft 7126sec preferred_lft 7126sec
            inet6 fe80::20c:29ff:fed2:d32b/64 scope link noprefixroute 
            valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    • The arp -a command shows that there is another host on the network, the OPNsense router at, which is the static IP assigned to it earlier.
      OPNsense.localdomain ( at 00:0c:29:cc:d3:63 [ether] on eth0
    • $ ping -c 4 The output indicates that I can connect to the public internet and that DNS is working.

        PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
        64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=117 time=16.5 ms
        64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=117 time=19.7 ms
        64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=117 time=12.3 ms
        64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=117 time=15.1 ms
        --- ping statistics ---
        4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3005ms
        rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 12.294/15.903/19.722/2.671 ms
  56. Now open a browser in the Kali VM and navigate to, the web interface for the OPNsense router. 04-opn-sense-config-040.png
  57. You get a self-signed certificate warning. Click Advanced. 04-opn-sense-config-041.png
  58. If you read the warning, it will indicate that the Firefox browser does not trust the OPNsense’s web user interface’s self-signed certificate. Click Accept the Risk and Continue. 04-opn-sense-config-042.png
  59. On the Login | OPNsense page, enter your root credentials and click Login. 04-opn-sense-config-043.png
  60. Click Next to run through the setup wizard. (You can also run the setup wizard by clicking Wizard in the left sidebar.) 04-opn-sense-config-044.png
  61. You can change properties such as the Hostname, or the DNS server information, or make no changes and click Next. 04-opn-sense-config-045.png
  62. If you like you can change the Timezone and click Next. 04-opn-sense-config-046.png
  63. On the System: Wizard: Configure WAN Interface screen, scroll to the bottom and click Next. 04-opn-sense-config-047.png
  64. You do not need to make any changes on the System: Wizard: Configure LAN Interface screen. The screen displays the LAN IP Address ( and Subnet Mask (24) that you previously configured. Click Next. 04-opn-sense-config-048.png
  65. You already changed the root password, so click Next on the System: Wizard: Set Root Password. 04-opn-sense-config-049.png
  66. Click Reload on the System: Wizard: Reload Configuration screen. 04-opn-sense-config-050.png
  67. You will see a System: Wizard: Reload in progress message, and then the page will reload. After the page reloads, click Interfaces in the left sidebar, then click Assignments. 04-opn-sense-config-051.png
  68. On the Interfaces: Assignments page, you will see three interfaces, LAN, WAN, and New interface. This is the third network adapter on the OPNsense VM that you did not configure earlier. Now you will set it up as the HOME_NET_LAN that will be monitored by Security Onion. The drop-down next to New interface will default to that third interface. 04-opn-sense-config-052.png

    • Note: You can confirm this is the correct interface by comparing it with the MAC address for OPNsense Network Adapter 3. 04-opn-sense-config-053.png
  69. Enter a Description of HOME_NET and click the plus icon (+) to the right of New interface. 04-opn-sense-config-054.png
  70. Click the Save button. 04-opn-sense-config-055.png
  71. When the page reloads, click the new [HOME_NET] entry under Interfaces in the left sidebar. 04-opn-sense-config-056.png
  72. On the Interfaces: [HOME_NET] page, select Enable Interface. 04-opn-sense-config-057.png
  73. Click the IPv4 Configuration Type drop-down and select Static IPv4. 04-opn-sense-config-058.png
  74. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, which now displays a Static IPv4 configuration section. Enter the IPv4 address for the HOME_NET_LAN of and select 24 as the subnet value, then click Save. 04-opn-sense-config-059.png
  75. A banner displays at the top of the page explaining that the new changes need to be applied. Click Apply changes. 04-opn-sense-config-060.png
  76. When the page reloads, scroll down the left sidebar to Services and click it to expand it, click DHCPv4, then click [HOME_NET]. 04-opn-sense-config-061.png
  77. On the Services: DHCPv4: [HOME_NET] page, select Enable DHCP server on the HOME_NET interface. 04-opn-sense-config-062.png
  78. Enter the Range for DHCP leases: enter in the from field and in the to field. 04-opn-sense-config-063.png
  79. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save. 04-opn-sense-config-064.png
  80. When the page reloads, click Firewall. When it expands, click Settings, then Advanced. 04-opn-sense-config-065.png
  81. Scroll down the Firewall: Settings: Advanced page to the Miscellaneous section. Click the question mark icon next to Disable Firewall. 04-opn-sense-config-066.png
  82. The help text says that selecting the Disable Firewall option will convert OPNsense into a routing-only platform. This is the desired use for OPNsense – using it as a router – that this tutorial requires at this time. Select Disable all packet filtering. 04-opn-sense-config-067.png
  83. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save. 04-opn-sense-config-068.png
  84. A message displays at the top of the page: The changes have been applied successfully. In the left sidebar, click Lobby, then Dashboard. 04-opn-sense-config-069.png
  85. When the page reloads, click Dashboard under Lobby. 04-opn-sense-config-070.png
  86. On the Lobby: Dashboard page, click the link for Click to check for updates. 04-opn-sense-config-071.png
  87. The System: Firmware page loads. It will display some terminal output and you may also see some release notes in a pop-up. When the system knows what packages need to be upgraded, scroll to the bottom of the Updates tab and click Update. 04-opn-sense-config-072.png
  88. You will see a Reboot required dialog explaining that when the update is done, OPNsense will reboot. Click OK. 04-opn-sense-config-073.png
  89. After the update, you will see a Your device is rebooting warning. 04-opn-sense-config-074.png
  90. The initial configuration of OPNsense is now complete. Shut the VM down so you can take a snapshot. 04-opn-sense-config-075.png
  91. Click the Snapshot icon. 03-opn-sense-vm-creation-027.png
  92. In the Snapshots window, click the camera icon in the top-left corner. 04-opn-sense-config-076.png
  93. Give your snapshot a name (I used fully-configured) and click Take, then close the Snapshots window. 04-opn-sense-config-077.png

Note: Remember to store the credentials for the OPNsense somewhere so that you can log in using the console or the web interface. The username is root and the password is whatever you set. One place you can record this and other useful information is in the Notes field of the General item in the virtual machine’s Settings. 04-opn-sense-config-078.png